The lamb chop managed to reach a height of 25,000 meters. Image Credit: YouTube / Nikesh Shukla
A lamb chop on a fork was sent in to suborbital space as part of a bizarre new book promotion exercise.
Author Nikesh Shukla and graphic artist Nick Hearne decided to undertake the stunt to help raise awareness for Shukla's appropriately titled book 'Meatspace'.
The lamb chop was attached to a weatherballoon with a GoPro camera and sent soaring in to the heavens from a field in the Cotswolds. The rig took approximately 90 minutes to reach a height of 25,000 metres before the balloon burst.
When the pair went to retrieve the footage however they discovered that the GPS had failed and they were unable to locate where it had dropped. As luck would have it however a farmer in Dorset contacted them to say that he'd found the lamb chop in one of his threshing machines.
Unfortunately he wasn't quite as keen to give the camera back, leading the men on a wild goose chase spanning five months. It wasn't until the police got involved that the farmer agreed to hand the camera back and allow them access to the footage they'd recorded.
The video of the lamb chop's voyage in to space can be viewed below.
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