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Creatures, Myths & Legends

'Bigfoot' filmed in Prospect Park

By T.K. Randall
February 1, 2015 · Comment icon 45 comments

The video is widely considered to be a hoax. Image Credit: YouTube / Russell Strark
A video showing a figure walking through the snow was recorded on Tuesday in Brooklyn, New York.
A lot of questionable videos of Bigfoot have been emerging online in recent weeks and this latest clip is no exception.

It was filmed by Russell Strark who, in an effort to capture footage of the snow falling, had set up his video camera in a quiet part of Prospect Park in the middle of New York City last week.

After retrieving and reviewing the footage however he discovered a strange dark figure wandering through the snow-covered trees.
"Looks like it was taken at around 7am," he wrote. "I am no expert, but this is pretty compelling stuff. I am baffled how this creature could be in Brooklyn's Prospect Park."

The video has been met with an understandable degree of skepticism with critics arguing that the 'Bigfoot' looks a lot like a person in a dark-colored coat or fancy dress costume.

Despite the clarity of the footage there is little doubt that this one is almost certainly a hoax.

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Comment icon #36 Posted by Domina Lucis 10 years ago
I should probably stop watching these "Bigfoot" videos. They're honestly a waste of time for me at this point... :/ When we get a believable Bigfoot video, someone let me know!
Comment icon #37 Posted by KevinP 10 years ago
The vast majority of Bigfoot videos are going to be a huge waste of time, and in the very small minority are the ones that aren't obvious fakes, or so dang blurry you can't tell if it's a Bigfoot or what. No reference to size, no follow up, nothing other than a dark blob-like thing. In this video that could very well be a human in heavy winter clothing for all I can tell. Strangely, I don't get tired checking them out. Who knows? Maybe one day there will be one that shows something, but until then I'll just keep hoping.
Comment icon #38 Posted by Atuke 10 years ago
The vast majority of Bigfoot videos are going to be a huge waste of time, and in the very small minority are the ones that aren't obvious fakes, or so dang blurry you can't tell if it's a Bigfoot or what. No reference to size, no follow up, nothing other than a dark blob-like thing. In this video that could very well be a human in heavy winter clothing for all I can tell. Strangely, I don't get tired checking them out. Who knows? Maybe one day there will be one that shows something, but until then I'll just keep hoping. I agree. And you seem like you are a believer/enthusiast like myself, or a... [More]
Comment icon #39 Posted by KevinP 10 years ago
I'm not a true believer by any stretch of the imagination, however, having said that, I have seen some things that I can't just blow off either. Accounts from friends who have experience some things, and then too people like police officers who've reported seeing something they could identify but they were very sure it wasn't human, I simply can't dismiss out of hand. Now, that's not to say that a couple good old boys who were out consuming various recreational materials and saw something carries the same weight. I have heard all sorts of stories from guys, who claim to have been at various go... [More]
Comment icon #40 Posted by some new guy 10 years ago
and the Prospect Park Bigfoot has been identified................................... BEST - Ron
Comment icon #41 Posted by Calibeliever 10 years ago
and the Prospect Park Bigfoot has been identified................................... http://www.brooklynp...20-bk_38_8.html BEST - Ron Brian Whiteley is a jagoff. May his nose hair grow at an uncontrollably rapid rate and he be forced to pluck them daily.
Comment icon #42 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
So it was a bad BF suit. I still think you couldn't tell by anything that was posted online.
Comment icon #43 Posted by KevinP 10 years ago
So it was a bad BF suit. I still think you couldn't tell by anything that was posted online. That the true beauty of Bigfootery, vague ambiguities, combined with shaky, dark, blurry pictures and videos, no real follow up at the time of the encounter and masses of gullible people who are ready to gobble it up with a shovel.
Comment icon #44 Posted by regeneratia 10 years ago
But Kev, do they really gobble it up or do you just think they do?
Comment icon #45 Posted by Hawkin 10 years ago
I think Mr. Strark needs to take up another hobby. Like Horseshoes.

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