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Metaphysics & Psychology

Woman has 1,000 near-death experiences

By T.K. Randall
February 4, 2015 · Comment icon 19 comments

Near-death experiences remain a controversial topic. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 erpete
Beverley Gilmour suffers from a rare condition that sees her leave her own body several times a month.
For most people a near-death experience would be a rare event, something that might happen only in the most unusual and undesirable of circumstances.

For 49-year-old Beverley Gilmour however near-death experiences have become a normal part of her life and she had been enduring them several times a month for almost 30 years.

Her condition is the only known case in the United Kingdom.

"I go into a trance like state whilst I am lying down," she said. "I feel I move over to the after life. I can see my own body and hear everything that is going on around me."
"It is not painful but when I come round I feel sore and stiff and my head burns. I have no concept of time and have no idea how long it takes. I can be so exhausted I am bed-ridden for up to four days."

Once the director of a graphic design company, Gilmour is now registered as disabled and is looked after by her two sons.

"Most people who go through an NDE - a near death experience - have them on the operating table or in a moment of trauma like a car accident," she said.

"But I have been having three a month since 1987."

Comments (19)

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Comment icon #10 Posted by fred_mc 10 years ago
That article was quite short, I would have wanted more details, like if she meets and talks to dead relatives, and how the spirit world is working in more detail, you might think she would know a lot about it if she has been there so many times.
Comment icon #11 Posted by spartan max2 10 years ago
That article was quite short, I would have wanted more details, like if she meets and talks to dead relatives, and how the spirit world is working in more detail, you might think she would know a lot about it if she has been there so many times. Very good point. I'm interested to see if he NDEs are the same as other people's or if she expierneces them diffrent too
Comment icon #12 Posted by Ozfactor 10 years ago
I wonder why she never explained what the other side is like . Not enough information , what she has explained would be quite common amongst certain travellers . Empath's are left exhausted from their experiences as well , I wonder if we will be able to claim welfare benefits based on that !
Comment icon #13 Posted by spud the mackem 10 years ago
I don't think that what she is having is near death experiences, but something that is causing her to hallucinate. A near death experience is like when you get out of the sea before the shark gets you, or a car missing you by inches, or a brick falling from a roof and hitting the ground where you had been a second before, and many more.No doubt she is having brain scans to see what the problem is.
Comment icon #14 Posted by White Crane Feather 10 years ago
Beverley Gilmour suffers from a rare condition that sees her leave her own body several times a month. Read More: http://www.unexplain...ath-experiences Well hell that's nothing. I'll have her beat in a few years. There are lots of people like this. Though her head burning and being exhausted is an uncommon symptom.
Comment icon #15 Posted by samus 10 years ago
I'm sad to say but in my eyes this leads more credence to NDE being just a weird thing our brain does. What she claims to be experiencing is actually more in the range of the OBE phenomenon and not necesserely NDE. They may be related but are not the same. In a OBE, there is no tunnel, no sens of resignation, of being One with the divine, such life changing event that somebody can experience as a result of a clinical death. The OBE (sometimes known as Astral projection) can occur in different kind of circumstances, day or night, where one might see his body from above the room or travel to unk... [More]
Comment icon #16 Posted by Mark56 10 years ago
This doesn't sound like an NDE to me. I'd really like some more information
Comment icon #17 Posted by thesmartguy 10 years ago
She is experiencing sleep paralysis. It is a phenomenon that freezes you while you are lying down but you can hear and sometimes see all around you. You hallucinate and it can feel like you are sometimes stuck like that for hours even days
Comment icon #18 Posted by Ghost Town 10 years ago
I'm really jealous of her. xp But yes, that's not NDE, it's OBE.
Comment icon #19 Posted by bevgilmour87 10 years ago
I would like to thank everyone for the comments. If anyone would like to read about my Ades, then please visit my blog.

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