The peculiar green mollusc has two distinct heads. Image Credit: Scubazoo / Borneo from Below
The bizarre creature was found on the sea floor during a dive in the tropical waters of Borneo.
Filmed by the people behind the "Borneo from Below" YouTube series, the remarkable looking denizen is actually a nudibranch - a shell-less mollusc of the sea slug family of which there are currently more than 3,000 known species with new ones being discovered all the time.
What makes this particular specimen unique however is the fact that it appears to have two heads.
"Usually this sort of deformity sets the animal up for an early death, but it does appear to be adult or at least subadult," said marine biologist Clay Bryce from the Western Australian Museum in Perth.
"So perhaps this is a case of two heads being better than one !"
A video detailing the discovery of the two-headed nudibranch can be viewed below.
with new ones being discovered all the time. maybe they will find one with 3 heads next time.
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