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Stephen Hawking warns against contacting ET

By T.K. Randall
September 24, 2016 · Comment icon 152 comments

Hawking has consistently warned of the dangers of contacting aliens. Image Credit: NASA
The world-famous physicist believes that contacting intelligent extraterrestrials is probably a bad idea.
In a new online documentary entitled 'Stephen Hawking's Favorite Places', the wheelchair-bound physicist is depicted paying a visit to Gliese 832c - a potentially habitable extrasolar world.

"As I grow older I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone," he said. "After a lifetime of wondering, I am helping to lead a new global effort to find out."

"The Breakthrough Listen project will scan the nearest million stars for signs of life, but I know just the place to start looking. One day we might receive a signal from a planet like Gliese 832c, but we should be wary of answering back."
Hawking had previously indicated that if an extraterrestrial civilization did pick up our signal, they would probably be so far in advance of us that we may be of no interest to them whatsoever.

He did however warn that there is also a chance that they may want to colonize the Earth.

Comparing such a scenario to the plight of the Native Americans following the arrival of the first Europeans in the Americas, he noted that it "didn't turn out so well" for them either.

Source: Independent | Comments (152)

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Comment icon #143 Posted by psyche101 9 years ago
It's just you.  There is not a God according to evidence, and there are no absolutes in science, so his comment makes perfect sense.  You were not impressed with his life? Not sure why that matters, the movies appeals to different people no doubt, but his accomplishments have nothing to do with a movie about his life.  Or did you mean to say "documentary"? And what did you find so mundane about it? 
Comment icon #144 Posted by Darkenpath25 9 years ago
I'm not getting into any awkward contretemps like I see on these threads , I am an even tempered person and will not get into any disagreements . There are plenty  others that will take you up on whatever youre trying to do . I am here to enjoy this site and participate , I have my beliefs everyone else has theirs . You will  never see me argue or have a dispute with any member on the website . Move on to someone else . And yes it was a Documentary ! Let me add just because Steven Hawking's doesn't believe there is a God doesn't mean there isn't . I am not going to say if there is a God orÂ... [More]
Comment icon #145 Posted by psyche101 9 years ago
  You said a comment Hawkins made did not make sense, it does, I illustrated that for you, as to "how it does" That is what a discussion forum is for - discussion. The belief you had concocted about the statement there was in error due to your own interpretation. You can "believe" that is the case, but I can also show how and why it is wrong too.  And I do not have to respect that belief when I know it is in error.  Which documentary? I have seen most of them, and found some a little boring, but for the large part, they seem pretty good.  Sure, Stephen Hawking does not believe in God that... [More]
Comment icon #146 Posted by TripGun 9 years ago
I find myself astonished that people will willingly chain themselves to an interpretation of information that best suits the self of today. Are we to allow others to define our capacities? Like it or not most of science is our best guess based on the information at hand. So wondering and speculation of all things should be invited, life is a curious journey.
Comment icon #147 Posted by Derek Willis 9 years ago
This is a great example of why scientists shouldn't stray too far from their specialities. I am sure Profs Hawking and Cox pretty much agree on everything to do with relativity, quantum mechanics and cosmology. However, Prof Hawking says aliens will colonize Earth, whereas Prof Cox says advanced civilizations will wipe themselves out before travelling to other star systems. They can't both be right!  
Comment icon #148 Posted by badeskov 9 years ago
Cram what down your throat, exactly? I was plainly asking if you did not understand his accomplishments. Now I am very rudely state that you obviously do not - at all. Cheers, Badeskov 
Comment icon #149 Posted by psyche101 9 years ago
We also "know" a lot of stuff too. Wandering aimlessly convincing ourselves that everything is an illusion does not sound very progressive either.  Science is "The Most Likely Conclusion" Based up the evidences we have. Imaging up crap is not a better method. Speculation is fine, but there is also nothing wrong with maintaining real world parameters. 
Comment icon #150 Posted by psyche101 9 years ago
I get the feeling he has been a little misquoted, and his entire theory did not get across, as is common with the media, and why they keep regurgitating Hawkings line.  He seemed  bit annoyed about it all, and put up this tweet:   LINK to Professor Cox FB Page   and this: LINK - No, Brian Cox does not think we are truly alone in the universe It's a dizzying thought. There are billions of planets out there, surely there must have been a second genesis? But we must be careful because the story of life on this planet shows that the transition from single-celled life to complex life may not ha... [More]
Comment icon #151 Posted by TripGun 9 years ago
I was only trying to convey that I am a prisoner of my own understanding and great limitations are set upon me in my intolerance of perspectives.
Comment icon #152 Posted by Habitat 9 years ago
Huh ?

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