World of the Bizarre
15 people attacked by crow at college campus
T.K. RandallJune 1, 2017 ·
The bird has become something of a nuisance. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 R. Altenkamp
Students in Ireland have ended up under siege by a particularly violent attacker of the avian variety.
The crow, which has made itself at home somewhere in the vicinity of the Cork Institute of Technology, has so far hospitalized two people and attacked more than a dozen others.
The problem was particularly bad on Tuesday when one staff member reported being attacked by the bird in the college car park while several more, including one man who received nasty scratch wounds, became a target for the creature's wrath elsewhere on the college grounds.
The Cork Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (CSPCA) is now assessing the situation in an effort to get to the bottom of why the bird is acting so aggressively.
"A lot of students have left campus, so they might not be getting the crumbs or the bread crusts they're used to so they could be doing this to remind people, saying 'we're still here'," said a spokesman.
"They could also be nesting in the area, and one of their young might have fallen down on the ground. There are a number of different things it could be."
Students and staff have been advised to avoid the crow's territory entirely for the time being.
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Crow, Bird
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