What animal is this ? Image Credit: YouTube / Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia
The Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia has uploaded a new video clip to its YouTube channel.
The group, which believes that the thylacine ( or Tasmianian tiger ) continues to survive to this day despite being officially declared extinct in the 1980s, has released several videos over the last few months showing what some people believe to be evidence that the species is alive and well.
This latest video, which was uploaded two days ago, shows an animal with distinctive black stripes moving around on the left side of the frame for around two minutes.
Sadly though, the animal is never fully shown, making it very difficult to identify.
While it is certainly possible that the video shows a Tasmanian Tiger surviving in the wild, the creature is unfortunately far more likely to be an Eastern Barred Bandicoot or similar species.
The shadow of the striped animal does not look right against the stems of the bushes, it looks like a shadow on a wall and the wall has a print of a bush scene on it . I couldn't see one blade of grass moving , the only thing that moves is the striped animal that moves strangely, almost like it is being held and moved around so only the back end remains visible.
I noticed that too. The rest of the scenery seems too still. I assume this is supposed to be the night vision, however it does not look like the night vision I see on my trail cam or others. I may be wrong though. I'm not a trail cam expert. If not night vision, why would it be black and white?
15 minutes of fame. Today's mental state/egos make people to need instant gratification. Otherwise would Facebook, Twitter and other similar sites exist and be so successful? . Facebook was a great concept, but with any other good idea the "Hey look what I can do!" or "Aren't my kids cute?" shares are most prevalent. If we stop watch them, they will just go away, hopefully quietly.
Not this one. He's trouble. I'm not sure if it'd be OK to mention the details here as none of the other parties post here, but this chap has been very naughty recently. It's the same guy who was posting up the fox videos last year. He had his 15 minutes then, now it's waning and he's not taking it very well.
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