The UFO Phenomenon
'Silpho Saucer' mystery solved after 60 years
T.K. RandallFebruary 8, 2018 ·
The 'Silpho Saucer' was reportedly found out on the Yorkshire moors. Image Credit: Public Domain
A miniature UFO that allegedly crashed in Yorkshire in 1957 has been rediscovered inside a museum archive.
The peculiar metallic object, which was adorned with mysterious heiroglyphics, was found by three men on Silpho Moor, England, a few weeks after the launch of Russia's first Sputnik satellite.
When the men opened it up they found a small copper book containing what was claimed at the time to be a message sent to Earth by an extraterrestrial entity to warn mankind about nuclear war.
A short time later however the object and its contents disappeared without a trace, sparking a hunt that would go on to span more than half a century.
As it turns out, the 'UFO' had actually ended up inside a metal cigarette tin at the Science Museum Group's archive more than 200 miles away from the site of its discovery.
Papers also reveal that it had been taken to London in 1963 for further investigation.
Meteorite expert Gordon Claringbull of the Natural History Museum was one of the experts who analyzed the object however he reported finding 'nothing unusual' about its materials.
Other tests conducted by a metallurgist at Manchester University indicated that it likely hadn't come from space because there was no evidence it had ever been exposed to high temperatures.
UFO researcher Jenny Randles, who read the reports from the analysis, has described the object as "the most costly and well organised hoax that has ever taken place in Britain."
"The hoaxers never seemed to gain from it and whoever had it built spent considerably more than the ten pounds the finders reportedly paid for it," she said.
Yorkshire Post |
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UFO, Silpho Saucer
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