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The UFO Phenomenon

Geologist finds possible Roswell UFO debris

By T.K. Randall
June 28, 2018 · Comment icon 20 comments

What crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Ken Lund
Geologist Frank Kimbler has discovered what he believes could be pieces of debris from the crash site.
There are few events in UFO lore as hotly debated as the Roswell incident, a case that has been covered in countless books, documentaries, TV shows and movies over the last 70 years.

One man who has spent a great deal of time investigating what happened is Frank Kimbler, a geologist who has visited the scene of the incident to the northwest of Roswell several times.

Using a metal detector, he has managed to find a number of unidentified metal fragments - most around the size of a fingernail - scattered around the general vicinity of the crash site.
"Some of the material that I found out there has been tested and it has anomalies that suggest that it might be of extraterrestrial origin," he said.

"I started looking around all over the place, looking to see if the helicopters were going to fly over, because you get paranoid when you read the stories about Roswell and what's happened to people when they've come forward with stuff."

Whether or not the material actually is from a crashed UFO however remains unclear.

A full talk by Kimbler discussing physical evidence from the Roswell Incident can be viewed below.

Source: KRQE | Comments (20)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #11 Posted by Jon the frog 7 years ago
First we have a lack of proof that the objects come from the site or from the crash....long time ago with a lot of people passing by contaminating the zone.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Jon the frog 7 years ago
Comment icon #13 Posted by highdesert50 7 years ago
We seem to forget the cold war implications. The air force, navy were all involved with high altitude balloon experiments from the mid 1940s onward. Some of these were classified or certainly not well publicized. With a little online research and one will find a number of technical papers on high altitude balloon experiments dating from that era. Some of the balloons were released from Holloman AFB not too far southwest of Roswell. No need to perpetuate the myth.
Comment icon #14 Posted by pallidin 7 years ago
My concern is how in Hell a common person can find purported debris that the U.S. government, with metal detectors themselves, did not already detect and scoop-up. This is just not "adding up" in my opinion.
Comment icon #15 Posted by Vox 7 years ago
Plot twist: the Roswell crash spacecraft was not metallic...  
Comment icon #16 Posted by paperdyer 7 years ago
Why do we always expect alien metal will be detected by our metal detectors?  That assumes the alien planet has the same make-up as the Earth, doesn't it?
Comment icon #17 Posted by Alien Origins 7 years ago
Yep..Like a crime scene that was not secured.
Comment icon #18 Posted by kapow53 7 years ago
Comment icon #19 Posted by psyche101 7 years ago
There was plenty. The so called bits of alien spaceship brought home by Marcel impressed the family so much that his wife swept the debris out the back door. At a later stage a concrete patio was poured at that back door. It's possible some original debris with Marcels fingerprints still on it are under that concrete slab. 
Comment icon #20 Posted by NYCEddie 7 years ago
This sounds like the usual Roswell claim, bs! First, no one can offer any irrefutable proof that UFOs crash. Second, what happened near Roswell had anything to do with UFOs, it was simply the product of irrational minds. A cold war top secret spying device came down probably due to unfavorable weather conditions. "Using a metal detector, he's collected about 20 metallic fragments the size of a fingernail. ... 'Some of the material that I found out there has been tested and it has anomalies that suggest that it might be of extraterrestrial origin,' said Kimbler.'" I used to be a treasure hunt... [More]

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