What type of wolf is this ? Image Credit: YouTube / Deep Bush Survival
Remarkable footage has resurfaced showing a dog being pursued by a gigantic black wolf-like creature.
The video, which managed to fly mostly under the radar when it was first uploaded back in 2015, has enjoyed something of a resurgence recently after appearing on YouTube channel 'Nv Tv'.
In the clip, a dog can be heard barking at something in the woods while its owner looks on.
For around 14 seconds nothing unusual happens, but then a large black shape that had seemed to be nothing but debris on the forest floor suddenly stands up - revealing itself to be a gigantic black wolf.
The enormous creature bounds through the trees after the dog, leading the man to shout 'hey!'
The video originally appeared on the 'Deep Bush Survival' YouTube channel.
Some Internet users have suggested that the creature could be a dire wolf - a type of extinct wolf featured in Game of Thrones - while others maintain that it is a large example of a timber wolf.
Whatever the case, there is no denying that it is absolutely enormous.
That thing reminded me of a couple of unforgettable dog encounters I had some years ago while me and my brother were doing our evening walks at the outskirts of the city. Both times it was already twilight which certainly added to the mood of the encounters , that canine was some kind of bloodhound (I don't dig all these breeds) which was just enormous, about 1 meter tall at the shoulder and seemingly very old. It could not bark but always produced some bone-chilling short husky howl instead. It was walked by a middle-aged man and a woman, and the man barely managed to hold the monster on the... [More]
Or a Newfoundland! Imagine a wolf that size chasing you...I saw one for the first time at a vets office and let me tell you those dogs are frigging huge!
Inga: Werewolf! Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Werewolf? Igor: There. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: What? Igor: There, wolf. There, castle. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Why are you talking that way? Igor: I thought you wanted to. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: No, I don't want to. Igor: Suit yourself. I'm easy.
I doubt that was a bloodhound,they use them to track people but have no aggression towards them.Sounds like a Fila Brasileiro,used on big game and tracking slaves,a very formidable animal.
This is not a direwolf but a dog. Probably a lost dog. Some made the suggestion that was big therefore could he been a direwolf. According to wikipedia; The dire wolf was about the same size as the largest modern gray wolves (Canis lupus), which are the Yukon wolf and the northwestern wolf. C. d. guildayiweighed on average 60 kilograms (132 lb) and C. d. dirus was on average 68 kg (150 lb). So it was a modern dog, one of the cross breads that grow large in size. Bigger than wolves.Â
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