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SETI picks up 72 signals from distant galaxy

By T.K. Randall
September 11, 2018 · Comment icon 15 comments

Is there anyone out there ? Image Credit: CC BY 4.0 ESO / S. Brunier
Astronomers discovered the signals after analyzing 400 terabytes of radio data using an artificial intelligence.
Known as fast radio bursts - the signals are powerful bursts of radio waves that, despite lasting mere milliseconds, generate as much energy as the Sun does in an entire day.

Their galaxy of origin, FRB 121102, is approximately 3 billion light years from Earth.

Some scientists have suggested that these mysterious bursts are produced when two neutron stars collide, while others maintain that young, rapidly rotating neutron stars are to blame.
It has even been suggested that some form of advanced alien technology could be responsible.

The discovery of these latest bursts, which was achieved by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, involved training a special AI algorithm to replicate the manual processes traditionally used by scientists to detect the phenomenon.

"These results hint that there could be vast numbers of additional signals that our current algorithms are missing and clearly demonstrate the power of applying modern data analytics and AI tools to astronomical research," said SETI Institute President and CEO Bill Diamond.

"Applying these techniques in the search for evidence of ET technologies, or technosignatures, is incredibly compelling, together with addressing the tantalizing phenomena of FRBs."

Source: Sky News | Comments (15)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #6 Posted by L.A.T.1961 7 years ago
The first signal said - we will be over to see you in 3 billion years ... ;-)
Comment icon #7 Posted by XenoFish 7 years ago
An alien signal didn't work out all that well for the crew of the nostromo.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Nnicolette 7 years ago
It is privately funded why criticize? What has your money discovered lately?
Comment icon #9 Posted by qxcontinuum 7 years ago
I don't belive any advanced alien civilization can produce a such radical amount of energy to be compared with that produced by the sun in a day.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 7 years ago
I don't believe it is possible for anyone with such little scientific understanding  as you repeatedly demonstrate to determine what an advanced civilisation is capable of. 
Comment icon #11 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 7 years ago
The reality is that, within the laws of physics, it is impossible for anyone to determine what an advanced civilisation would be capable of. A scientist from the 18th century would not have been able to predict nuclear reactors so how can we predict what a civilisation millenia in advance of us can achieve?
Comment icon #12 Posted by aztek 7 years ago
when it comes to aliens, anything is possible, everything we can imagine and a lot more that we can not.
Comment icon #13 Posted by highdesert50 7 years ago
It seems the article was oriented to the improvement of algorithms to detect fast radio bursts though it mentions the potential of finding of artifacts of alien technology. While it is certainly presumptuous of me to speculate on the why and how of aliens reaching out to communicate, I might ask why use something as limiting as electromagetic sources when, for example, one could perhaps use gravitational waves to penetrate regions of space that electromagntic waves cannot while ensuring some degree of cognitive sophistication on the part of the recipients.
Comment icon #14 Posted by DingoLingo 7 years ago
you forgot to put something on the end of that post Waspie Mate.. it needed this  
Comment icon #15 Posted by qxcontinuum 7 years ago
That is exactly what my father used to say after watching x files 

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