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Weird 100-year-old Christmas wishes revealed

By T.K. Randall
December 24, 2018 · Comment icon 20 comments

Here comes Santa in his... uhh... airship. (1916) Image Credit: Public Domain
Letters to Santa written by children during the late 19th and early 20th centuries have been revealed on Twitter.
The process of writing a letter to Santa Claus at Christmas time has been a tradition for millions of children across the world for well over 100 years, however as one Twitter feed has demonstrated, not all of these letters were quite as you might expect.

The following are believed to be genuine letters from children written between 1895 and 1914.

You can find dozens more examples on the R.L. Ripples 'Tweets of Old' feed - here.

Source: Huffington Post | Comments (20)

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Comment icon #11 Posted by rashore 6 years ago
Yeah, I was thinking of the worm drive saw of the 20's, which would more likely have been portable to ask Santa for. I wasn't thinking about the larger mill saws that preceded the more portable ones. If the kid was asking for a mill sized saw, that's just funny. Savvy kid.
Comment icon #12 Posted by spartan max2 6 years ago
Spanking or not spanking your kid doesn't really have a big effect on how your kid turns out. As long as you actually love, spend time with your kid, and have some form of rules, boundaries, and consequences you are fine.  I've worked with orphans and foster kids. The kids normally came from parents on the extemes, either the parent had no rules and no consuqneces with the kid or the parents was super violent and abusive   
Comment icon #13 Posted by OverSword 6 years ago
Yeah that one was weird. That kid probably grew up to work for Al Capone.
Comment icon #14 Posted by Gecks 6 years ago
This post shows you have zero knowledge of child psychology and the repercussion of hitting children as a form of discipline.    Try looking at accredited programs such as the triple P program.    Children are a sponge. Teaching a child to behave in the correct manner and make the correct decisions is not the same as making them fear your hand or yourself as a consequence.  Example:  they need to learn I wont steal that bike as it's the wrong thing to do as opposed to I wont steal that bike as if Im caught Im scared dad will belt me.  Children that are hit by their parents or excessive... [More]
Comment icon #15 Posted by Antnanna 6 years ago
Couldn't of said it better 
Comment icon #16 Posted by Gomar 6 years ago
And what fun will people have in 100 years when they read what kids of today ask Santa; such as XboX, a new iPhone, etc... People living on Mars will laugh at homeless kids, migrant children dying, starving kids in Africa, 75% of prisoners are black, etc.
Comment icon #17 Posted by Myles 6 years ago
I think different circumstances call for different measures.   I grew up with 6 brothers and a sister.   The fear of my dads belt was what was needed to keep order.   We weren't whipped often, but if we deserved it, we got it.   It worked for the large family very well.   We all grew up and none of use are abusive towards are parents or families.   I have 2 daughters.   There really wasn't a need to spank them much growing up.   When they were 2, a little bump on the bottom got the point across.  
Comment icon #18 Posted by Gecks 6 years ago
And this is where we have a problem. We all grew up in different circumstances and yes a large family is hard to control. Believe me, as a young child I was an outlet for my dads anger at mum leaving him. I was spanked all the time and roughly at that and generally for nothing at all. I can still tell you I turned out alright to. Everyone who got spanked and is a reasonable person only has their own conclusions to draw upon. Im guaranteeing spend a day asking inmates in a prison if they were spanked as a child and your probably going to hear yes.... because the majority of parents do.  I have... [More]
Comment icon #19 Posted by Inky Bendy 6 years ago
Hitting is not is hitting, plain and simple. And the "Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child" thing? DO realize that the "rod" is a symbol of teachers/teaching and learning which is why sages and such were oft depicted with a staff/rod... I got hit too and NEVER felt I deserved to be hit and all I learned was to lie more to avoid being hit and to fear other peoples anger because I feared being hit. Thanks
Comment icon #20 Posted by Trenix 6 years ago
Discipline is the act of training people to behave and obey rules through punishment. Hitting someone is a form of punishment. Also various translations of the text make it clear of what they're truly talking about and it's not some subliminal garbage. Punishment is what keeps people in line. I'm not sure how you became a fearful liar, because I don't personally know you and how you were raised. However I am far from a fearful lair, I can tell you that. Also it's hard to believe you when you just admitted you're a liar, it's no wonder you made a lie about the rod. I'm however not surprised, we... [More]

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