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Russian spy plane checks out secret US bases

By T.K. Randall
April 4, 2019 · Comment icon 14 comments

It appears that Russia knows all about Area 51. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.5 Cooper
A Russian spy plane recently flew over Area 51 in Nevada with full permission from the US government.
There are few places on Earth as notoriously secretive as Area 51 - a remote facility in the Nevada desert that has become synonymous with stories of reverse-engineered alien technology and the development of highly advanced black projects that next to nobody knows anything about.

Despite all this however, 32 other countries including Russia have absolute freedom to fly aircraft straight over the top of the base and take as many photographs and sensor readings as they want.

It's all part of what is known as the Treaty on Open Skies which allows unarmed aerial surveillance flights over the entire territories of all its member states - including secret facilities like Area 51.
Of course it works both ways - the US can fly spy planes over Russian bases as well.

Just recently, a Russian Tupolev 154 surveillance aircraft flew over several key facilities on US soil with permission from the White House and with US military observers along for the ride.

The purpose of the treaty is to help ease international tensions by enabling member states to observe first-hand what their rivals are up to without the risk of carrying out illegal flights over their airspace.

It would seem that whatever is going on at Area 51 - Russia probably already knows all about it.

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Comment icon #5 Posted by bison 6 years ago
Speaking as someone who lived through the cold war, this permitted mutual inspection of the entire territories of the United States and Russia, each by the other, seems remarkably cordial. Sensible, too, as it serves to lessen tensions, and build trust between the two nations. 
Comment icon #6 Posted by Gromdor 6 years ago
I figured with satellite technology being what it is, it is pretty pointless to stop fly overs.  This way they can score relationship points.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Calibeliever 6 years ago
You may be right, this may be more of a gesture on both nation's part more than anything else. Although, satellites do have the disadvantage of being very predictable in their surveillance paths. It costs fuel to adjust a satellite orbit so most of the time they maintain their orbits and can be predicted weeks in advance. I don't know, I'm making stuff up here I think.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Obviousman 6 years ago
No, I think you are spot on there.   Regarding environmental concerns, we had a similar thing at the air base where I work. A new multi-million dollar facility was going to be built. It was originally planned to be on the same side of the airfield as everyone else but when site surveys were done, it was discovered that the soil was quite contaminated. No hazard to us as it is, but if they started digging it up, etc - and we are talking about a major new facility here - then the remediation costs would have been enormous. It was better to build on the other side of the airfield where there wer... [More]
Comment icon #9 Posted by marsman 6 years ago
  read the 4th or 5th sentence on below.....ruskie satellites HAVE flown over area 51
Comment icon #10 Posted by marsman 6 years ago
Comment icon #11 Posted by Calibeliever 6 years ago
No doubt true, and for decades. My only point was they are fairly easy to track and can only see what's sitting out in the open. If I know you're coming to take pictures on Wednesday I can make sure the house is clean by Tuesday night  Though possible, it's expensive to make a surprise visit.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Obviousman 6 years ago
That's also what I was agreeing with: orbital changes are very expensive in terms of propellant.
Comment icon #13 Posted by Black Red Devil 6 years ago
Well, aliens do have acid for blood you know.
Comment icon #14 Posted by Calibeliever 6 years ago
Just the Xenomorphs. The Greys, Reptilians and Nordics have physiology remarkably similar to ours. 

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