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The UFO Phenomenon

UFO group has 'potentially exotic materials'

By T.K. Randall
July 31, 2019 · Comment icon 44 comments

An image of the alleged 'metamaterials'. Image Credit: Twitter / To The stars Academy
Tom DeLonge's UFO organization claims to be studying 'metamaterials' that may be extraterrestrial in origin.
In a recent statement , Steve Justice, who is the chief operating officer of the 'To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences', described how the organization had been working to "independently prove" the exotic properties and attributes of "matamaterials" that it is allegedly in possession of.

"The structure and composition of these materials are not from any known existing military or commercial application," he said. "They've been collected from sources with varying levels of chain-of-custody documentation, so we are focusing on verifiable facts and working to develop independent scientific proof of the materials' properties and attributes. In some cases, the manufacturing technology required to fabricate the material is only now becoming available."

The organization itself has also posted up a statement on Twitter, saying:
""#TTSA has acquired multiple pieces of metamaterials that are reported to have come from an advanced #aerospace vehicle of unknown origin. We're enthusiastic about its potential use and how it can further our mission for discovery and innovation."

According to Justice, the goal will be to reverse engineer the materials and manufacture more.

It is not at all clear however what these materials actually are or where they came from. So far, the organization has provided no evidence that it is actually in possession of anything remarkable.

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Comment icon #35 Posted by the13bats 5 years ago
I am not saying my following ancedote has any bearing or relation to this however i was very surprized to the point of being taken back to learn the very high amount of $$$ a band i booked many times blew through on party favors, the amount i could live on for years better than i now live, the band then hocked stuff to get by...very weird. I just saw DeLonge as a different version from different roots but basically another Jaime Maussan, now earl if you want to drop some time on something worthwhile see what you can learn about TTSA.
Comment icon #36 Posted by jaylemurph 5 years ago
Are you done humble-bragging?  —Jaylemurph 
Comment icon #37 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 5 years ago
There's so much I would like to do [sigh]. In this case here, yes, TTSA is a curiosity but the meat and potatoes is 1) did they make the videos or did the DoD, 2) is what they said an accurate portrayal 3) and who instigated DeLonge to start the TTSA as a corporation, or is it just a cover being supported by DoD? the last I don't think we can find out. TTSA does not appear to be making money. But we'll see.   
Comment icon #38 Posted by stereologist 5 years ago
Had the DoD made the videos then they would have had to state that by government laws. There are very strong regulations requiring any government involvement to be explicitly stated. This was a TTSA project and the appearance of anything government in the videos has to be explicitly stated. Delonge is a UFO believer and he started this corporation which as the filing suggests is giving away large amounts of cash to its shareholders. I'm sure this is in the way of promises rather than actual funds.
Comment icon #39 Posted by mesuma 5 years ago
I'm kinda feeling sorry for old Tam.  By his own admission on the JR podcast, which I don't think has done him any favours in any way, he pretty much admits he's not got a clue about the science involved in this research.  So if I was a scientist/researcher under his employ I'd be giving it "Yeah it's obviously the proton electron plasma exchange in the complex alien thingies and a photon shift in the.....the.....the metamaterials?  Yeah that's it.  Meta materials...........I need more money, Tom".
Comment icon #40 Posted by badeskov 5 years ago
So what are these extraordinary traits these materials exhibit? Which accredited labs have they been tested at? What were the results? Where are the results published? cheers, badeskov
Comment icon #41 Posted by ChrLzs 5 years ago
Oops...   Sorry, wrong thread...
Comment icon #42 Posted by stereologist 5 years ago
Sorry to disappoint, but it seems that they are just sitting in a warehouse doing nothing at all with this metal. I wonder if this is just placed next to the Ark of the Covenant?  
Comment icon #43 Posted by ChrLzs 5 years ago
Yes, with lots more money, they could probably go properly quantum.... Perhaps we should finish this trainwreck with the man hisself.  Here, again, is a Joe Rogan Interview with Tom DeLonge.  NOTE - some coarse language in both videos below.... Just screams credibility, don't you think?   (And do research Hal Puthoff and remote viewing.....).  I mean, even Joe Rogan is just not buying it.  I love the continual excuses "I can't say how I know.."  And I like the bit at 12:27 - "Why you?" - watch Joe's face...      then watch again from 15:05 ... I laughed out loud at 15:18 "So that... [More]
Comment icon #44 Posted by Dejarma 5 years ago
a stupid scenario: let's just say you're up against a wall threatened with a bullet to head unless you give the correct answer either yes or no to is this a real alien artifact by someone who knows the truth. I wonder how many people would answer yes?

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