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Creatures, Myths & Legends

North Carolina man discovers 'Bigfoot' tracks

By T.K. Randall
October 11, 2019 · Comment icon 144 comments

What could have left these tracks ? Image Credit: YouTube / WCNC / Joe Scarborough
Electrician Joe Scarborough maintains that footprints found near his home are neither human nor animal.
The footprints were discovered near the small northern Cleveland County town of Casar.

"[The print] was 13,14 inches, and so I went back to the truck and got the tape measure, and went back down there and it was fresh," he said.

"I got real close there and said - 'man, somebody's got a big foot.'"
Keen to get to the bottom of the mystery, Scarborough intends to set up game cameras in the vicinity of the tracks the next time he is in the area and to spend the night searching for the culprit.

He is not yet fully committed however to the notion that a Bigfoot was responsible.

"Of course, it's hard to believe, until you see it yourself," he said.

"You don't know how many hoaxes are out there."

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Comment icon #135 Posted by ThereWeAreThen 5 years ago
Pardon me if I'm wrong, but haven't scientists searched for bigfoot before? If numerous people tend to see a unknown creature and report it scientists tend to chase it up.
Comment icon #136 Posted by stereologist 5 years ago
The claim that science has not done a "proper scientific examination" is certainly wrong. Science has investigated the claims of the BF hunter and seen that there is nothing there that suggests a large primate. When it comes to BF we enter the world of excuses as to why there is no evidence. The world of excuses is more properly called special pleading. Animals are caught all of the time by trail cams but not BF. What's the excuse for that? We've all heard it many times. Animals are found all of the time with baited traps but not BF. What's the excuse for that? We've all heard it many times. ... [More]
Comment icon #137 Posted by ocpaul20 5 years ago
I would be interested to read the results. Do you have any links?
Comment icon #138 Posted by DieChecker 5 years ago
The most obvious excuse Is that bigfoot is actually human. Or close enough that hair and DNA simple comparisons wouldnt tell a difference. I've read of primitive camps out on Federal Lands where poop is all over the place. It isnt collected and analyzed because it is "obviously" just homeless human poop. Usually they just say homeless or hunters, but.... ??
Comment icon #139 Posted by psyche101 5 years ago
That is a perfectly valid scientific question proposed. A MVP requires around 4,000 individuals. That's in each location so they are close enough breed. That's tens of thousands across the globe at a conservative guess. It's not possible for a species to number that high and have zero ecological impact, as I'll go into further below.  They are crawling the forrest floors searching inch by inch. If a biff skull was spotted, it would most likely spark a murder investigation which would result in the proof required to validate the myth.  What about the aforementioned Jeff Meldrum? He gets fundi... [More]
Comment icon #140 Posted by stereologist 5 years ago
Look up DNA studies by Melba Ketchum, or eDNA studies by Meldrum, or DNA studies by Sykes, etc. https://cryp... [More]
Comment icon #141 Posted by Trelane 5 years ago
Definitely not a plesiosaur…….oh wait wrong thread.
Comment icon #142 Posted by Hankenhunter 5 years ago
I still maintain that a large majority of sightings are gillie suit related. More and more are being used. Especially by poachers. They are one of the most effective hunting tools Ive ever used. Most animals have no idea how to react an ambulatory scentless bush. I've scared the bejesus out of people who've walked right past me at close range and said good morning to them. Almost all of them said that at first glance, they thought I was a sasquatch. This is in daylight. How much more magnified would this be at night, when a poacher does his best work? I've thrown in a yeti gillie for fun. Man... [More]
Comment icon #143 Posted by Dejarma 5 years ago
ridiculous crap- as usual
Comment icon #144 Posted by Dejarma 5 years ago
no it does not! Scientists are clever, that's why they are scientists... They know looking into/ spending time & money on the bigfoot phenomenon would be a waste. If bigfoot were real, we would know of it's existence by now-- why do people like your good self have difficulty understanding the basics of good ol' logic & rational thinking? Fascinating

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