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Physicist pursues life-long dream of time travel

By T.K. Randall
January 3, 2020 · Comment icon 7 comments

Is it really possible to travel backwards through time ? Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Paul Hudson
University of Connecticut physics professor Ron Mallett hopes to one day build a working time machine.
During a recent interview with CNN, Mallett, who is a respected physics professor, claimed that he had written a scientific equation that could serve as the basis for time travel - a concept that he became obsessed with as a young boy after reading The Time Machine by author H.G. Wells.

It's a goal that he has been pursuing for most of his life and although the 74-year-old admits that he is unlikely to see time travel became a reality during his lifetime, there's a chance that his efforts will have contributed in no small part to the creation of a working time machine in the future.

Back in 2018 we reported that Mallett had put together a prototype device designed to demonstrate some of the principles involved in his time travel concept.

The device features a ring of lasers and the idea is to 'twist' the space inside the ring. According to Mallett, because time and space are intricately linked, warping one should also warp the other.

"If space is being twisted strongly enough, this linear timeline is going to be twisted into a loop. If time all of a sudden is twisted into a loop that allows us the possibility of travelling into the past," he said.
Creating a fully functional version of the device however would require extremely large amounts of power and a way to miniaturize all the components - two hurdles that he has yet to overcome.

There is also another problem - one that severely hampers his dream of traveling back in time to see his father who tragically died of a heart attack when he was just 10 years old.

"You can send information back," he said. "But you can only send it back to the point at which you turn the machine on."

In other words, according to his understanding of time travel physics, time travel can only ever be achieved between the present and the time at which the time machine itself was first activated.

For Mallett therefore, traveling back in time to see his father would seem to be impossible.

Source: Futurism | Comments (7)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by David Thomson 5 years ago
Unfortunately for our time travel, dreaming physicist all the physical matter of the entire physical Universe exists only in the present moment. There is no physical matter in the past or future, so even if the machine was successful, there would be no Universe to go to. Even if it were possible to make time spin backwards on Earth, no earthly machine could ever have enough energy to spin the entire physical Universe backwards. If it were possible to spin matter backwards in time, the effect would be very localized, and it would cause havoc on the surrounding space. Very likely, any subatomic ... [More]
Comment icon #2 Posted by Piney 5 years ago
I hope he doesn't get any government grants. 
Comment icon #3 Posted by ChrLzs 5 years ago
The article is puffery.  He has no new information, no real plan, and no prototype or new observations that support his claim. As I've said before, time travel in the literal sense is obviously not possible, simply because if it was - where are all the time travelers from the future?  The only way to explain that rather obvious observation, is that there are infinite mutltiple timelines sprouting at every moment, which would mean you could only affect a new timeiline, which meant you could never get back...  There are so many paradoxes involved... that Ron Mallet needs to get a lot further... [More]
Comment icon #4 Posted by IBelieveWhatIWant 5 years ago
As far as I know, time travel (to the future) has been proven possible. It's directly linked to gravity. The stronger the gravity pull, the slower time is. Hang around the event horizon of a black hole for about 5 years and life on Earth would be 10 years older.
Comment icon #5 Posted by AllPossible 5 years ago
As much as I & everyone else in the world would like to go back in time it is impossible to undo what has already been done. Its over. Now slowing down time is possible but from their perspective. Astronauts do it but on a grand scale would take alot of energy. 
Comment icon #6 Posted by FlyingAngel 5 years ago
Anti-matter and anti-gravity : anything which is able to twist time in the opposite direction of gravity.
Comment icon #7 Posted by tmcom 5 years ago
Easy create three mini singularities, and when they spin or move in one orbit the device within the space/time bubble goes foraward, and when reversed the opposite occurs, at least that is what my future self tells me!

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