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The UFO Phenomenon

Weird 'sky squid' UFO filmed from airliner

By T.K. Randall
June 11, 2020 · Comment icon 34 comments

What is this object and where did it come from ? Image Credit: YouTube / 2Sense 14
New video footage has emerged showing a very strange aerial phenomenon moving through the clouds.
While most UFO videos tend to show points of lights, mysterious triangles or flying discs, every now and again a sighting emerges involving an object so peculiar that it almost defies description.

Reportedly filmed from the window of a commercial airliner between Phoenix and Portland, this bizarre video clip was recorded in March 2019 but was only posted up on YouTube a few days ago.

It shows what appear to be two smoke-like trails moving and weaving around in the air miles from anywhere, before coming together to form a single long trail that covers quite a distance.
Since being picked up online, the footage has attracted quite a bit of attention and has left social media users scrambling to come up with an explanation.

Suggestions put forward have ranged from an "interdimensional creature" to "the contrails of a single, twin-engine ket aircraft in a shallow climb as it ascends above minimum contrail level."

The anomaly is certainly too high up to be a drone and it's difficult to make out any aircraft.

You can check out the footage for yourself below.

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #25 Posted by qxcontinuum 5 years ago
I dont think they're smokies. The way it moved from an orizontal plan to near vertical, indicates to be unibody, one single piece of something. Also looks to be big enough.
Comment icon #26 Posted by Torviking 5 years ago
It�s either a B1B (Lancer), or the russian equivalence going through it�s paces.
Comment icon #27 Posted by the13bats 5 years ago
Yeah, if it wasnt so high and perhaps large ( perception ) it looks more kite like, not alive.   I would like to see a video of contrails changing like in OP video until then i vote kite.  
Comment icon #28 Posted by gary1701 5 years ago
All, It looks like a smoky contrail coming towards the camera. The F-4 has been retired from a combat role in the US military for decades; Navy, Marines, USAF, active duty, reserves or ANG.  The last few were used as drone targets at Tyndall and Holloman and even they were retired a few years ago, replaced by retired F-16s. South Korea, Japan, Turkey and Greece are the remaining F-4 operators.   Gary
Comment icon #29 Posted by Oniomancer 5 years ago
Twin contrails that stay exactly the same length and don't expand? Question, is there anything in the apparent motion of the plane relative to the ground to suggest it circled the shape or are they too high up for that?
Comment icon #30 Posted by Autochthon1990 5 years ago
There are all sorts of exotic organisms in the upper atmosphere, but I think if there was anything like sky-jellyfish or squids, we'd be spraying them off of the windshields of jetliners a lot more often.
Comment icon #31 Posted by lilthor 5 years ago
Alligator Lizards.  In the air. Obviously.
Comment icon #32 Posted by Timothy 5 years ago
There are definitely airborne microbes which survive at high altitudes, but by ‘exotic’ I fear you may have fallen for some less than factual info. Care to elaborate? Rods come to mind as something that got a lot of people excited, yet had a mundane explanation, but still continue to be brought up every now and then by people who don’t know or look for the mundane explanation. 
Comment icon #33 Posted by Autochthon1990 5 years ago
Pretty much just the microbes and certain kinds of spiders that can get blasted up into the air by huge storms, and eventually fall back down later on. Some microbes have been discovered that don't actually seem to be found anywhere else, with some considering it evidence for Panspermia. Though the information is still burgeoning due to the difficulties of researching anything that high up in the atmosphere. 
Comment icon #34 Posted by Hazzard 5 years ago
wrong thread

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