World of the Bizarre
Woman wakes up to find exotic cat in her bed
T.K. RandallJuly 5, 2021 ·
Imagine waking up to find this in your bed... Image Credit: Pixabay / veverkolog
A woman in Georgia recently awoke to find that she was sharing her bed with a rather unexpected visitor.
Discovering an unfamiliar cat in your house is bad enough when it is of the domestic variety, but when Kristine Frank woke up recently, she discovered that the feline that was sitting just inches from her face was something much larger and a lot more dangerous.
"I said, 'That's not a normal house cat. I don't know what that is, but I am terrified right now,'" she recalled.
It turned out that, far from being a domestic cat, the visiting feline was a wild African serval - a species that is illegal in Georgia and which can weigh up to 40 pounds.
Frank believes that it must have entered the house after her husband left the door open.
Fortunately she was able to scare the animal off the bed, out of the room and out into the garden.
She then called the Georgia Department of Natural Resources which has since been investigating the incident. Efforts to track down and capture the feline are still ongoing.
"It still kind of terrifies me because that cat is illegal and there's a reason it's illegal," she said.
"So I really don't know what it's capable of doing."
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Alien Big Cat
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