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USAF report references 'defensive force fields'

By T.K. Randall
July 22, 2021 · Comment icon 4 comments

Is directed energy technology the future of warfare ? Image Credit: US Navy
The report, which focuses on directed energy weapons, suggests that force fields could soon become a reality.
Released by the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base, the report provides an analysis of investments into directed energy technologies, how these will develop over time and whether or not the United States will be leading the field in the coming decades.

Despite being a relatively new class of weapon system, directed energy, according to the report's authors, could now be critical to the US military's future success.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the report however is its references to "force fields", something that has until now been mostly the stuff of science fiction.
According to the authors, "a sufficiently large fleet or constellation of high-altitude DEW systems" could be used to provide a "missile defense umbrella, as part of a layered defense system, if such concepts prove affordable and necessary."

Other applications for force fields listed in the report include counter-drone systems, counter-missile systems and even a "pain ray" - all using variations of directed energy technology.

"By 2060 we can predict that DE systems will become more effective, and this idea of a force field includes methods to destroy other threats too," AFRL's Directed Energy Deputy Chief Scientist Jeremy Murray-Krezan said in an accompanying press release.

"Eventually there may be potential to achieve the penultimate goal of a Nuclear or ballistic missile umbrella. It's fun to think about what that might be in 2060, but we don't want to speculate too much."

Source: The Drive | Comments (4)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by closed for business 4 years ago
Comment icon #2 Posted by Tom1200 4 years ago
Defend them? Look at 'em - all smug and arrogant.  They're definitely up to no good. As for the post and the idea of force fields: I like the fact that they are happy to make predictions for 2060 but have no idea what developments will arise next year.  Or even what's already here, but experimental/classified.   One of the annoying things about light is that it won't stay still.  Beams of light - no matter how many or how powerful - will never create a static, shimmering 'force field' as the movies imagine them.  For that you'd need something solid and permanent, and you might prefer t... [More]
Comment icon #3 Posted by closed for business 4 years ago
Hi Tom The lead on the rush is using umbrella tech as a shield obviously the mobile app has been discovered already.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Jon the frog 4 years ago
Some kind of EMP field could be a thing, frying electronics of incoming vehicules and missiles..

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