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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Man recounts tale of 'Bigfoot' peering through his bedroom window

By T.K. Randall
July 26, 2023 · Comment icon 20 comments

How would you react to seeing this at your window ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 4.0 Carlstak
One man's childhood encounter with a mysterious hairy hominid left an impact that would last for almost 50 years.
Is there an undiscovered species of bipedal ape-like creature roaming the wilds of Missouri ? One man - an Air Force veteran named Jerry - certainly seems to think so.

His experience lasted only around 30 seconds, but it stuck with him throughout his life.

It all happened in the mid-70s when he was around 11 or 12 years old and he had been laying in bed overlooking a window which happened to be open at the time.
All of a sudden, the silhouette of a large creature appeared, just standing there.

The window was relatively high up off the ground, meaning that the figure - whatever it was - would need to have been some 10ft tall in order to be reaching it.

Frozen with fear, Jerry eventually plucked up the courage to shout for his dad who spent ages checking around the house with a shotgun for signs of the intruder.

Whatever the creature was, however, it had seemingly disappeared without a trace.

Source: 101 The Eagle | Comments (20)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #11 Posted by Trelane 2 years ago
Let's see these reports. 
Comment icon #12 Posted by Trelane 2 years ago
Likely just wondering how good the WiFi is and if they can figure out the password.
Comment icon #13 Posted by Resume 2 years ago
Footie snatching a freshly-baked pie through a kitchen window is one of my fave BFRO "reports."  Reminds me of a 3 Stooges short in which a bear does the same.
Comment icon #14 Posted by papageorge1 2 years ago
I have heard and read reports over the years. I don't collect everything I ever hear about anything and have a quick link for you. One that stood out was a lady saying the Bigfoot was about 9 feet tall as no human can look through the windows.
Comment icon #15 Posted by Trelane 2 years ago
Ok so your answer is "no, I don't have anything to back up my claim". Thanks, got it.
Comment icon #16 Posted by papageorge1 2 years ago
My answer was really: How would anybody expect someone to have records stored for everything I've heard on any subject over many decades right at my fingertips. Do you keep records handy of everything you've ever heard on any subject??????? My claim was only that I have heard reports (over my decades of interest). Not that I have collected records of reports and have them handy. 
Comment icon #17 Posted by Trelane 2 years ago
You made the statement about reading alleged reports rather casually and it stands to reason you would be able to recall and present at least one. However, this was dubious on my part. I knew you couldn't produce one. I was simply making a point. Thanks for your cooperation.
Comment icon #18 Posted by DieChecker 2 years ago
I've read those too. I believe there are several on the BFRO site collection of reports. I can't decide if this is one I've heard before. Or a new one. Found a couple...
Comment icon #19 Posted by DieChecker 2 years ago
That's what I was thinking. Bigfoot, I'd assume, has to follow physical laws, so one ten feet tall would weigh eight times what a five foot human would.  Bigfoot is often reported as stocky, rather then thin, so assume a 150 pound five foot tall human. That's 1200 pounds of BF outside the house. I'd imagine, at minimum, any grass would be depressed in areas.
Comment icon #20 Posted by newbloodmoon 1 year ago
“Hey Bigfoot! Stop peeping in little boys room windows. Go back to playing hide and go seek with Nessie and don’t think about muscling in on my gig again.” - God probably.

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