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Will Saturn's rings really disappear in 2025 and if so, where will they go ?

November 20, 2023 · Comment icon 11 comments

What will happen to Saturn's rings ? Image Credit: NASA /JPL / Space Science Institute
Astrophysicist Jonti Horner takes a look at what will actually happen to Saturn's rings in the near future.
If you can get your hands on a telescope, there are few sights more spectacular than the magnificent ringed planet - Saturn.

Currently, Saturn is clearly visible in the evening sky, at its highest just after sunset. It's the ideal time to use a telescope or binoculars to get a good view of the Solar System's sixth planet and its famous rings.

But in the past few days, a slew of articles have run like wildfire through social media. Saturn's rings, those articles claim, are rapidly disappearing - and will be gone by 2025!

So what's the story? Could the next couple of months, before Saturn drops out of view in the evening sky, really be our last chance to see its mighty rings?

The short answer is no. While it's true the rings will become almost invisible from Earth in 2025, this is neither a surprise nor reason to panic. The rings will "reappear" soon thereafter. Here's why.

Tipping and tilting Earth

To understand why our view of Saturn changes, let's begin by considering Earth on its constant journey around the Sun. That journey takes us through the seasons - from winter to spring, summer and autumn, then back again.

What causes the seasons? Put simply, Earth is tilted towards one side, as seen from the Sun. Our equator is tilted by about 23.5 degrees from the plane of our orbit.

The result? As we move around the Sun, we alternately tip one hemisphere and then the other towards our star. When your home hemisphere is tilted more towards the Sun, you get longer days than nights and experience spring and summer. When you're tilted away, you get shorter days and longer nights, and experience autumn and winter.

From the Sun's viewpoint, Earth appears to "nod" up and down, alternately showing off its hemispheres as it moves around our star. Now, let's move on to Saturn.

Saturn, a giant tilted world

Just like Earth, Saturn experiences seasons, but more than 29 times longer than ours. Where Earth's equator is tilted by 23.5 degrees, Saturn's equator has a 26.7 degree tilt. The result? As Saturn moves through its 29.4-year orbit around our star, it also appears to nod up and down as seen from both Earth and the Sun.

What about Saturn's rings? The planet's enormous ring system, comprised of bits of ice, dust and rocks, spreads out over a huge distance - just over 280,000km from the planet. But it's very thin - in most places, just tens of metres thick. The rings orbit directly above Saturn's equator and so they too are tilted to the plane of Saturn's orbit.
So why do Saturn's rings 'disappear'?

The rings are so thin that, seen from a distance, they appear to vanish when edge on. You can visualise this easily by grabbing a sheet of paper, and rotating it until it is edge on - the paper almost vanishes from view.

As Saturn moves around the Sun, our viewpoint changes. For half of the orbit, its northern hemisphere is tilted towards us and the northern face of the planet's rings is tipped our way.

When Saturn is on the other side of the Sun, its southern hemisphere is pointed our way. For the same reason, we see the southern face of the planet's rings tilted our way.

The best way to illustrate this is to get your sheet of paper, and hold it horizontally - parallel to the ground - at eye level. Now, move the paper down towards the ground a few inches. What do you see? The upper side of the paper comes into view. Move the paper back up, through your eye line, to hold it above you and you can see the underside of the paper. But as it passes through eye level, the paper will all but disappear.

That's what we see with Saturn's rings. As the seasons on Saturn progress, we go from having the southern side of the rings tilted our way to seeing the northern side. Then, the planet tips back, revealing the southern side once more.

Twice per Saturnian year, we see the rings edge on and they all but vanish from view.

That's what's happening in 2025 - the reason Saturn's rings will seemingly "disappear" is because we will be looking at them edge on.

This happens regularly. The last time was in 2009 and the rings gradually became visible again, over the course of a few months. The rings will be edge on once again in March 2025. Then they'll gradually come back into view as seen through large telescopes, before sliding out of view again in November 2025.

Thereafter, the rings will gradually get more and more obvious, reappearing first to the largest telescopes over the months that follow. Nothing to worry about.

If you want to clearly see Saturn's rings, now is your best chance, at least until 2027 or 2028!

Jonti Horner, Professor (Astrophysics), University of Southern Queensland

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

Read the original article. The Conversation

Source: The Conversation | Comments (11)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #2 Posted by Alchopwn 1 year ago
Oh noes !  Saturn's rings are disappearing and really credulous people are turning into baboons !
Comment icon #3 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 1 year ago
Actually Saturn's rings are disappearing, and knowledgeable people know that they are relatively new and temporary structures (they weren't there when dinosaurs roamed the Earth). Still, they should last another 300 million years or so.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Skulduggery 1 year ago
Lol not this again. I am one of the unlucky ones to click on an article previously with the headline. Clickbait articles. The rings disappear because of the tilt but they don't literally disappear. From view.   However, the rings are deteriorating over time. These types of things happen. But nothing to lose sleep over. Jupiter's Great Red Spot changes size often and the Great Dark Spot on Neptune isn't there anymore but there are other dark spots. 
Comment icon #5 Posted by Skulduggery 1 year ago
But definitely take any chance you get to look at Saturn through a telescope. 
Comment icon #6 Posted by NCC1701 1 year ago
Didn't like those rings anyway.
Comment icon #7 Posted by joc 1 year ago
The expanse of the Cosmos just boggles the mind.  The sun will hang around for like another 5 billion years, and then go through the dying star phase for another few billion years.  We really are a wisp of a half a breath in time.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Sgt84801 1 year ago
Saturn, your rings will be missed.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 1 year ago
Yes, but not for another 300,000,000 years or so.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Montello 1 year ago
i hope no i cant imagine saturn without rings
Comment icon #11 Posted by Lucia62 6 months ago
Come March 2025, Saturn's majestic rings will become virtually invisible to earth-based observers. This phenomenon occurs due to the unique tilt of Saturn's axis, which will position the rings edge-on to our line of sight. The rings are not really disappearing but rather playing a celestial game of hide and seek. At their reappearance, we can also enjoy an accentuated view of Saturn's moons. 

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