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Ghosts & Hauntings

Woman 'scratched by ghost' during tour of haunted asylum

By T.K. Randall
July 11, 2024 · Comment icon 32 comments
Aradale Mental Hospital
Aradale Mental Hospital. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 4.0 JacsWiki
A visitor to one of Australia's most haunted attractions recently got more than she bargained for.
Aradale Mental Hospital, which is situated in Ararat, south-west Victoria, is considered to be one of the most haunted places in Australia, making it a popular destination for paranormal enthusiasts.

Constructed during the 1860s, the building housed thousands of patients over the years until it was eventually closed down and converted into a campus of the Melbourne Polytechnic in 2001.

Today, the building is often visited by paranormal investigators and there are also paranormal tours offering visitors the chance to potentially experience something strange within its 19th-Century walls.

Most recently, a woman who had been on a 3-hour tour of the former asylum reported that she had discovered mysterious scratch marks on her back that she didn't believe had been there beforehand.

The marks had appeared during a tour of the staff quarters and then got worse as time went on.
"I actually felt like I had a prickle or something in my shirt... my partner had a look and said there were scratches," she wrote, while describing the sensation as "weird".

"I laughed because I thought he was trying to scare me, then he showed me the photo."

After sharing her story on social media, several other people came forward to report similar accounts of being scratched by unseen forces inside the building.

Others, meanwhile, maintained that her wounds were either self-inflicted or the result of some type of allergic reaction of flare-up.

As things stand, however, no definitive explanation for her injuries has been forthcoming.

Source: Mail Online | Comments (32)

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Comment icon #23 Posted by Guyver 2 months ago
I don’t know how it could.  
Comment icon #24 Posted by Guyver 2 months ago
It’s there.  It’s between 10 - 30 minutes.  Did you watch the video?
Comment icon #25 Posted by the13bats 2 months ago
Idk my fault I thought for some reason you meant like a more unbiased actually science based example where skin is shown clean and the person and camera don't move and bang scratches appear like magic ( or a special effects) I saw that same show years back when it aired wonder what happened to that guy making those claims? I saw nothing but a tabloid type show that supports paranormal for profit and being dramatic with bad actors showing shelf climes inflicted injuries and i don't see any prefect skin going to scratched up abused skin in front of a camera, I did see near chaos , a lot is going... [More]
Comment icon #26 Posted by Guyver 2 months ago
You think science studies poltergeist scratches?  Really?  That doesn’t seem like an unrealistic expectation to you?
Comment icon #27 Posted by openozy 2 months ago
I mean sort of like pointing the bone, people have died because of their belief. The mind is extremely powerful. I personally think it could be a negative entity(not a human spirit) but looking at other answers first.
Comment icon #28 Posted by Guyver 2 months ago
Yes, but if people can’t move things with their minds, how could they make scratch marks appear without scratching?  
Comment icon #29 Posted by openozy 2 months ago
I experienced psychokinesis a few months ago, I have a witness so I have no doubt about this. I do believe the mind could make physical changes to the body if the intention is strong enough.
Comment icon #30 Posted by the13bats 2 months ago
Do I think science takes claims of poltergeist seriously? No, of course not and you know me better than even ask that. Padre pio was I guess the most phamous as in phony to make claims of paranormal supernatural wounds, and has pretty much been well debunked starting with his own church, Idk about claims of special powers to be able to inflect injury on one self or others with paranormal powers or the claims spookies have nothing better to do. I've seen no evidence to support such claims which if true there would be, but if you have any please post it.
Comment icon #31 Posted by Guyver 2 months ago
Has it been proven that Padre Pio was faking?
Comment icon #32 Posted by the13bats 2 months ago
Proven 100% fake? Hum, idk because with religion beliefs are powerful things I guess same applies to true believers of anything, Last I read someone claimed he used acid to keep thewounds raw, and keep in mind most times he wore fingerless gloves. Big Red flag for me was his wound location was wrong for crucifixion. I never researches into it much but if the stories of monks who can control their heart rate temp etc with meditation mind training are true then could we make a leap that a person like that could make a scratch appear on their skin, very different processes involved, I'm good with... [More]

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