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Scientists invent device that can remotely control a human mind

By T.K. Randall
August 24, 2024 · Comment icon 11 comments
Brain interface
The system targets regions of the brain with magnetic fields. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Glogger
The research represents the first step toward a working mind control device - but there's still a long way to go.
The idea that someone can use a device to remotely manipulate your actions and behavior is disconcerting to say the least, but for now, anyway, it still remains a work in progress.

The breakthrough was made by researchers in South Korea's Institute for Basic Science (IBS) who had been attempting to find new ways to treat neurological disorders.

Known as the Nano-Magnetogenetic Interface for NeuroDynamics or Nanon-MIND, the device works by targeting specific regions of the brain with magnetized nanoparticles and close-range magnetic field equipment.
In an experiment involving mice, the scientists were able to induce a marked increase in maternal and nurturing behaviors by targeting the region of the brain associated with maternal instincts.

"This is the world's first technology to freely control specific brain regions using magnetic fields," said director Cheon Jinwoo from South Korea's Center for Nanomedicine.

"We expect it to be widely used in research to understand brain functions, sophisticated artificial neural networks, two-way brain-computer interface technologies, and new treatments for neurological disorders."

Source: Unilad Tech | Comments (11)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #2 Posted by Grim Reaper 6 22 days ago
I believe this could be true, because global Kimchi sales have increased 1000%
Comment icon #3 Posted by Lowvalleyman 21 days ago
Resistance is futile
Comment icon #4 Posted by jethrofloyd 21 days ago
Soon there will be an app for mobile phones to download MRC. Mind Remote Control.I really hope my wife would never read this news, I want to stay free.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Gumball 21 days ago
I thought this was called "adverts"
Comment icon #6 Posted by stevemagegod 20 days ago
It’s called the media. We saw Mass mind control during the Plandemic. 
Comment icon #7 Posted by Matt Vinyl 19 days ago
Good Lord.?  
Comment icon #8 Posted by Piney 19 days ago
My wife died from long covid, so I'm ignoring that utter dreck.....
Comment icon #9 Posted by Matt Vinyl 17 days ago
So very sorry to hear that.? I knew of 9 people from work or friendship groups who too succumbed to COVID. Yet still people say "It's just a cold..."
Comment icon #10 Posted by Piney 17 days ago
I was on the "front lines" and watched it drop Native Americans/ Latinos like flies. 
Comment icon #11 Posted by jethrofloyd 14 days ago
My mother- in - law contrrols my mind without any devices. Sometimes I think she is the living H.A.R.P.

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