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The UFO Phenomenon

Super clear metallic disc-shaped UFO photographed over China

By T.K. Randall
September 18, 2024 · Comment icon 23 comments
The photographer had been taking images of clouds. Image Credit: Bing AI / Dall-E 3
The surprisingly clear image, which was captured over the city of Xiamen, has been circulating social media in recent days.
While many photographs of UFOs tend to be distant, blurry or otherwise indistinct, now and again an image comes along that defies this trend due to its impressive and unusual level of clarity.

Captured on camera over the Chinese city of Xiamen by a photographer known only as "Cirenim", this remarkable image shows a smooth, disc-shaped metallic object high up in the sky.

The UFO is surprisingly clear and stands out well against the backdrop of sun-illuminated clouds.
Exactly what it is, however, remains a topic of debate.

Could this be some sort of drone or balloon, or is it evidence of visitors from another world ?

You can check out the image for yourself below.

Comments (23)

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Comment icon #14 Posted by MrAnderson 15 hours ago
Wacky they are but only to you and to a few others who deny and dismiss the whole thing. Eyewitness testimonies are very important regardless of how much you try to convince us they are not. The human factor is the most important even in science because it's humans who make the interpretations of evidence.
Comment icon #15 Posted by MrAnderson 15 hours ago
You can use the same argument for helicopters. In city of 5 million how many have seen a helicopter today?
Comment icon #16 Posted by Hazzard 14 hours ago
Based on this post alone... I can safely say that you are lying about your education. 
Comment icon #17 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 14 hours ago
you mean, that's pretty much the foundation of the true sceptics. thank you
Comment icon #18 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 14 hours ago
Phew.  This is a good photo. OR... it's a deep fake.  Notice you couldn't get the man's full name. Is that because he feared what the CCP would do?? And is that because the photo is fake or because the CCP censors UFO pics? I'm on the fence with this one. 
Comment icon #19 Posted by Hazzard 14 hours ago
  No that is not what I mean.   adjective: skeptical   1.1 Not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations. Doubting that something is true or useful: having or expressing doubt about something (such as a claim or statement)   You are welcome.    
Comment icon #20 Posted by NCC1701 14 hours ago
Probably an air bubble in the airplane window.
Comment icon #21 Posted by Hazzard 13 hours ago
The most important and characteristic feature of science is that it relies on data gathered based on verifiable evidence such as concrete factual observation. Other important features include being empirical, replicable, provisional, systematic, and objective. Now, does any of that work with your belief that ET is here flying around in UFOs?  (Eyewitnesses testimony, pictures and wacky radar returns.) If your answer is No... then I rest my case. If Yes... then explain it to me.
Comment icon #22 Posted by MrAnderson 12 hours ago
If you want to smear others go somewhere else and do it. We know how truthful and correct your conclusions are. You don't seem to have an issue trying to smear scientists such Avi Loeb or Kaku because their worldview doesn't agree with yours. It doesn't make any difference though what your opinion is.
Comment icon #23 Posted by esoteric_toad 1 hour ago
I work in an area that has a pop of around 20000-25000. I see helicopters everyday and I am not staring at the sky all day. In fact I work inside most of the time. Seems to me a shiny metallic spheroid would definitely garner more attention than a helicopter and since almost everyone has a high definition camera it is unlikely it would come down to a single person with pics. My opinion of course.

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