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Browsing news and articles:
World of the Bizarre

Cows flee live Nativity scene in North Carolina, escape down river

 VIDEO  12-11-2022 | 9

The bovine duo certainly weren't feeling the Christmas spirit when they did a runner from a chapel last week.

Nature & Environment

Hidden 300-mile-long river discovered deep beneath Antarctica

11-5-2022 | 3

Scientists using ice-penetrating radar have spotted an enormous river snaking its way beneath the Antarctic ice.

Nature & Environment

World's largest recorded freshwater fish caught in Cambodia

 VIDEO  6-21-2022 | 6

The gargantuan stingray - which was caught in the Mekong river - has set a new world record.

World of the Bizarre

Tunnel optical illusion leaves driver baffled

 VIDEO  5-5-2022 | 4

A mind-boggling optical illusion in a tunnel in the US left one driver so perplexed that he didn't want to drive on.

World of the Bizarre

Driverless car is pulled over by police, then does a runner

 VIDEO  4-11-2022 | 9

Police in San Francisco recently pulled over a vehicle only to find that there was nobody in the driving seat.

Creatures, Myths & Legends

Alleged 'river troll' photographed in Mississippi

4-1-2022 | 39

A family who lived on a houseboat once captured a strange image in the waters of coastal Mississippi.

World of the Bizarre

Anxiety-inducing clip shows driver doing 26-point turn on cliff edge

 VIDEO  1-25-2022 | 3

The extreme maneuver, which was carried out next to a sheer drop, didn't seem to phase the driver.

Creatures, Myths & Legends

'Very reliable' Bigfoot sighting reported in Illinois

1-5-2022 | 82

A recent report has detailed an encounter with a large, hairy hominid near Illinois' Sangamon River.

Creatures, Myths & Legends

Cops encountered 'werewolf' near the River Thames

12-13-2021 | 15

Historic accounts tell the story of two police officers who had a terrifying encounter in Berkshire, England.

Archaeology & History

Fabled 'Island of Gold' discovered in Sumatra ?

10-24-2021 | 3

Large amounts of gold and other treasures have been found by fishing crews in the Musi River in Indonesia.

Modern Mysteries

Mystery surrounds light under the River Thames

 VIDEO  8-19-2021 | 23

A Canary Wharf resident was left baffled after she captured footage of a flashing light under the water.

World of the Bizarre

Driver crashes after letting 'God take the wheel'

7-15-2021 | 41

A woman in Ohio ended up crashing her car at 190km/h after relying on divine intervention to steer the vehicle.

Nature & Environment

Giant fish is among largest ever caught in US

5-7-2021 | 2

A group out fishing in the Detroit River recently managed to reel in a staggeringly large lake sturgeon.

Nature & Environment

Has an Amazon 'river monster' invaded Florida?

3-28-2021 | 5

The remains of a giant predatory fish from the Amazon basin were recently found washed up in Jaycee Park.

Nature & Environment

Gargantuan crocodile captured in Australia

8-31-2020 | 4

A saltwater crocodile weighing in at over 770lbs has been caught in a river at an Australian tourist hotspot.

World of the Bizarre

Speeding truck driver was 'attacked by snake'

 VIDEO  7-13-2020 | 4

A man who was stopped for speeding in Australia had a rather unique excuse for why he was going so fast.

Modern Mysteries

Mysterious inscribed cubes discovered in river

5-14-2020 | 22

A magnet fisherman in England has reeled in a haul of 60 lead cubes inscribed with strange symbols.


Swimming dinosaur was a real-life river monster

4-30-2020 | 5

One of the largest predators ever to walk the face of the Earth has turned out to be a surprisingly skilled swimmer.

Modern Mysteries

Mystery 15th-Century skeleton found in Ireland

4-9-2020 | 3

A skeleton found buried on the banks of a river in Dublin has turned out to be more than 600 years old.

Nature & Environment

Driver films weird insect crawling in his truck

 VIDEO  2-7-2020 | 9

Tommy Hortman couldn't believe his eyes when he returned to his vehicle to discover this creature inside.

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