A couple living in the Spanish town of Pinos Puente had been unable to sleep due to the loud buzzing sound.
A woman with a rare sleeping disorder can sometimes spend weeks sleeping up to 22 hours a day.
Intriguing footage of a sleeping octopus has suggested that cephalopods may have some concept of dreaming.
A new study has found that people who naturally stay up late have a harder time sticking to a 9-5 schedule.
An aggravating background noise has been giving locals in Leicestershire sleepless nights for months.
Her nightmarish experience began when the inquisitive insect crawled in to her ear while she was asleep in bed.
A new study has suggested that sleep may actually be fundamental to all life, not just to animals.
Some crew members have been complaining about 'negative energies' and are now scared of sleeping alone.
A 23-year-old woman had to be escorted home by police after sleepwalking in to a local supermarket.
The pruning of synaptic connections in the brain may be one of the primary reasons that we need sleep.
A terrifying phenomenon known to cause paralysis and hallucinations at night is surprisingly common.
For the first time, trees have been observed undergoing changes at night that can be likened to sleep.
Scientists have found that half your brain stays alert when you try to sleep in unfamiliar surroundings.
7-year-old Olivia Farnsworth suffers from a rare condition that affects only 100 people worldwide.
During a sleepwalking episode some people can suffer horrendous injuries without noticing or waking up.
Crocodiles are thought to be capable of keeping a watchful eye out even when they seem to be fast asleep.
Our tendency to not get enough sleep at night is seemingly not an exclusively modern phenomenon.
Transhumanists have been looking towards a future in which a person could spend their entire life awake.
Georgia Green from Adelaide suffers from a rare condition that sees her fall asleep for weeks at a time.
A remarkable new best-selling book is capable of sending a child off to sleep almost like clockwork.