New discoveries beneath Berlin support the theory that Hitler escaped at the end of World War II.
An image taken from the cab of a lorry shows what looks like a dark figure walking in to a tunnel.
A World War II era railway tunnel has been unearthed by authorities at the train's rumored location.
Subterranean passageways once believed to be an urban legend have actually turned out to be real.
China is hoping to link up the two countries with a land route that would pass beneath the Bering Strait.
Scientists are developing a robot designed to explore the ocean beneath Jupiter's icy moon.
Police are attempting to find out who built an elaborate tunnel near the venue for the Pan Am Games.
Archaeologists excavating a subterranean tunnel below the ancient city have unearthed three new chambers.
A pack of wolves at a zoo in Winnipeg managed to dig a tunnel straight in to the polar bear enclosure.
The world's largest tunnel-boring machine has run in to a mysterious object and nobody knows what it is.
Undearneath the ancient capital lies a complex labyrinth of tunnels and quarries dating back millennia.
Researchers have been using a special robot to explore tunnels below the ancient city of Teotihuacan.
In a bizarre robbery a gang spent six months digging a tunnel to steal money from a cash machine.
A fourth escape tunnel built by prisoners of the PoW camp Stalag Luft III has been discovered in poland.
A vast network of neolithic tunnels built 12,000 years ago would have criss-crossed the UK and Europe.
A multi-billion dollar railway tunnel project is in doubt over land patrolled by a swamp monster.
Archaeologists have discovered a tunnel under the Temple of the Snake in Teotihuacan, Mexico.
The double-barrel of an old pistol has been discovered at a New Zealand tunnel dig site.
Archaeologists have used a robot to explore an ancient tunnel under the Teotihuacan ruins.
India's Chandrayaan-1 has found tunnels below the surface of the Moon that could one day be a home to humans.