The Antipode luxury business airplane will be able to travel from London to New York in 11 minutes.
Dog owners from West Yorkshire are celebrating the arrival of two cloned puppies costing almost $100,000.
A bizarre wave of anxiety caused several dozen pupils at a school in North Yorkshire to fall unconscious.
Australian entrepreneur David Mayman took to the skies over the Hudson River in New York City last week.
Residents of New York City dialled the emergency services after seeing a UFO on Saturday night.
A case is set to be brought to the New York State Supreme Court to argue that chimps are 'legal persons'.
A video showing a figure walking through the snow was recorded on Tuesday in Brooklyn, New York.
Footage has emerged of a strange object which allegedly hovered in the sky for around three minutes.
Chris O’Leary boarded a scheduled flight to New York only to find that there were no other passengers.
A visitor to the iconic New York City landmark captured something unusual moving across the sky.
A motel operator in New York State is seeking to have Bigfoot added to a local endangered species list.
A man is suing New York City and others for two trillion trillion trillion dollars over a dog bite.
A mysterious man dressed as a clown has been appearing on streets all over the New York borough.
A demonic infant in a pram has been terrorizing people in the streets of America's largest city.
Scammers pretending to be spiritual healers have conned vulnerable people out of millions in New York.
A 23-ton Lego model of a Star Wars X-Wing fighter has been unveiled at an event in New York.
A New York University student has invented a medical gel that could make conventional bandages obselete.
American illusionist and stuntman David Blaine has started his latest feat of endurance in New York.
A silvery disc-shaped object was sighted over the town of Vestal this month by Brian Titus.
Photographs of a mysterious carcass likened to the 'Montauk Monster' have been circulating the internet.