Archaeologists have uncovered an unidentified mummy within a previously unexplored tomb near Luxor, Egypt.
Back in October, aviation authorities investigated an unidentified aircraft flying over the West Coast.
The unidentified radio pulses were picked up from an unknown source in a distant part of the universe.
A crystal clear photograph taken by the Opportunity rover shows an unidentified object sitting nearby.
An unidentified witness reported seeing a 'silent camouflage aircraft' over the town a few weeks ago.
An unidentified motorist ended up hitting a deer in her car after being distracted by a 'hairy beast'.
The previously unidentified species would have thrived in sub-arctic marine waters 25 million years ago.
An unidentified US Navy officer claims that he saw evidence of UFOs at the Moffett Field naval base.
Footage showing a group of unidentified objects flying in formation over Moscow has appeared online.
Four unidentified objects were caught on camera over the Chilean capital a few days before Christmas.
A British tourist managed to capture the image of an unidentified sea creature while on holiday in Corfu.
The Marana Police Department in Arizona has released an audio clip which features an unexpected extra.
A secretive set of photographs has emerged showing two unidentified objects near a US Navy submarine.
Thousands of people across the country reported sightings of an unidentified trail of light in the sky.
An unidentified object was caught on camera during a golfing event in Florida earlier this month.
Four unidentified figures have been captured in a controversial video recorded through a webcam.
An aircraft passenger managed to capture footage of an unidentified object above the city.
Several people witnessed an unidentified object in the skies over Portreath on the night of April 27th.
A cruise vessel has picked up an 'unusual' reading of an unidentified object in the depths of Loch Ness.
An unidentified flying object over Bremen prompted cancelled flights and a formal police investigation.