The novel 'air-gen' device is capable of continuously generating electricity using almost any material.
One energy company is hoping to change the world by producing electricity from the heat found deep beneath our feet.
Scientists have converted a regular shop-bought mushroom in to a device that can produce electricity.
Pennsylvania resident Mary Horomanski couldn't believe what she was reading when she received the bill.
Scientists believe that wind farms in the North Atlantic could provide enough electricity to power the world.
A new experimental project is aiming to generate electricity by harnessing the power of volcanoes.
Efforts are underway in Iceland to find ways of turning the heat from volcanoes in to usable electricity.
Stephen Hawking has suggested that a single black hole could power the whole world's electricity supply.
A novel new method of power generation is being tested out at a power station in the French Alps.
A bizarre new wearable technology can turn urine in to electricity by having it flow through your socks.
A new energy harvesting technology is capable of powering a device from ambient radio frequency waves.
Scientists have developed a novel new way to turn the act of walking in to a power generation system.
Almost a quarter of the world's electricity supply is now being produced from renewable energy sources.
The heat generated by molten rock could be harnassed as a highly effective source of electricity.
It may soon be possible to charge up a mobile device using a urine powered electricity generator.
Scientists have developed a means with which to use viruses to power small electrical devices.
Dr Mike Diprose has invented a new device for killing weeds that works by zapping them with electricity.
Experiments involving the generation of electricity from urine have initially proven successful.
Scientists search for a new way to extinguish fires quickly and efficiently with electricity.
Its an idea that isn't actually all that new, using exercise equipment in gyms to generate electricity.