This highly questionable photograph of an alleged juvenile Bigfoot has been met with considerable skepticism.
Scientists have discovered a long-lost branch of the Nile that was the key to the construction of the pyramids.
It is now believed that some of the fossils once thought to be young T. rexes are actually adults of a separate species.
Archaeologists have been learning much about the Nubian civilization that once flourished in ancient Sudan.
Scientists have discovered the well-preserved remains of a jeuvenile snake dating back 99 million years.
The bizarre new experiment aimed to analyze how juvenile crocodile brains react to complex stimuli.
Palaeontologists have unearthed the well-preserved remains of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex in Montana.
A rare alabaster carving of Queen Tiye has been discovered along the west bank of the River Nile.
Using DNA testing, scientists have identified at least three of the deadly reptiles in Florida's swamps.
Archaeologists have unearthed a rare structure used by the ancient Egyptians to predict their harvests.
Scientists have identified the first ever baby giant squid in specimens fished up off the coast of Japan.
Archaeologists excavating several 2,000-year-old tombs have discovered a host of valuable artifacts.
The massive hydrocarbon-filled river snakes its way over more than 250 miles of the Saturnian moon.
Donna the Nile hippopotamus lived at Mesker Park Zoo in Indiana for over five decades.
The juveniles have been observed locating and disabling poacher traps after one of their own was killed.
A 70-million-year-old fossilised nest containing 15 jeuvenile dinosaurs has been found in Mongolia.