Artificial intelligence is being used to recreate people who have died - but is this a rabbit hole we should be going down ?
Experts have warned that giant rats could be invading people's homes and gardens within a matter of weeks.
An enormous record-breaking rabbit has been stolen from its enclosure in Worcestershire, England.
Scientists believe that they have determined why a peculiar strain of rabbit walks around doing a handstand.
French authorities have been hunting for a mystery killer who has so far slaughtered more than 100 pet rabbits.
In a world first, researchers have managed to successfully thaw a cryonically frozen rabbit brain.
Palaeontologists have identified a rabbit-sized horned dinosaur that was a relative of Triceratops.
The extinct sthenurine kangaroo weighed a quarter of a ton and looked a bit like a giant bipedal rabbit.
Many have attributed the untimely breakdown of the Jade Rabbit rover to extraterrestrial intervention.
A recently uploaded video filmed in Japan shows a tourist being chased by hundreds of hungry bunnies.
New details have emerged of a bizarre World War II program designed to provide fur for soldiers.
In a peculiar experiment, a science team has produced a colony of rabbits that glow green in low light.
A new theory suggests that an inability to catch rabbits for food may have hastened their extinction.
New concerns have been raised over the Fukushima plant incident after a rabbit was found with no ears.
The remains of a giant species of rabbit six times the size of today's rabbits has been discovered.
An animal hypnotist that treats pet behavioural problems claims to be the UK's first "rabbit whisperer".
In a bizarre role reversal a 42-year-old man in Australia who had been finding dead snakes on his property discovered th...
A pet shop owner in Connecticut was amazed to discover that one of the 6-week-old rabbits delivered to the store had two...