A groundbreaking new study has indicated that there could be habitable salt glaciers situated beneath the planet's surface.
Scientists have determined what causes a distinctive honeycomb pattern to form on the surface of natural salt pans.
Authorities have been left baffled by the appearance of several mystery antennas over the last couple of years.
The find could fundamentally change our understanding of ice flows and future sea level rise predictions.
A saltwater crocodile weighing in at over 770lbs has been caught in a river at an Australian tourist hotspot.
A new study has indicated that salty water may be more common on the Martian surface than previously believed.
A new study has revealed that one of the scrolls was prepared using salts not native to the Dead Sea region.
Scientists have determined that Europa's ocean may be more like the Earth's oceans than previously thought.
Enough oxygen could exist within salty subsurface water on Mars to support oxygen-breathing microbes.
Salt particles, he argues, would reflect more of the Sun's rays back in to space and help to reduce global warming.
The remarkable agricultural breakthrough could help to feed millions of people over the coming decades.
A warning has gone out to motorists to beware of moose licking the salt off the side of their cars.
A video recorded in the Chapel of Saltillo in Mexico shows a statue's eyes opening all on their own.
A strange circular pocket of super-salty water has been discovered 3,300ft below the surface of the sea.
The dark substance that litters the surface of Europa is now believed to be sodium chloride.
The subsurface ocean on Saturn's moon is very similar to life-bearing salt lakes on our own planet.
The ocean thought to lie within Saturn's largest moon may contain significant quantities of salt.
The Keck II telescope and OSIRIS spectrometer have revealed new details of what lies in Europa's oceans.
A new type of drug could save millions of lives by targetting the parasite's ability to expel salt.
NASA have announced the discovery of evidence suggesting salt water flows on the surface of Mars.