Residents across multiple states have been reporting strange clouds of fog with a 'chemical-like smell'.
For millennia, doctors have been able to identify certain medical conditions purely from a person's scent.
By 'resurrecting' the DNA of extinct mammoths, scientists have learned what may have contributed to their demise.
Some dogs seem to have the uncanny ability to know exactly when their owner is returning home, but how ?
Ten people from Wairarapa primary school in New Zealand were hospitalized due to a foul smell on Friday.
Hydrogen sulfide, which gives rotten eggs their smell, has been discovered in the seventh planet's atmosphere.
Joy Milne from Perth, Australia has developed the unique ability to sniff out the debilitating condition.
A container of foul-smelling cheese has been recovered from the site of a sunken 17th-century gunship.
A peculiar, foul smelling black liquid has been filmed pouring out in to an underground walkway in Japan.
A British company has created a peculiar new perfume which matches the otherworldly aroma of comet 67P.
A particularly unusual and foul-smelling flower is known to bloom only once every 1,000 days.
A fridge at the University of Kentucky smelt so bad that it ended up hospitalizing nearly a dozen people.
A doctoral student has identified a new species of meat-eating dinosaur with an extremely effective nose.
Scientists have analyzed bottles of beer that were discovered in a wreck at the bottom of the ocean.
Residents of the city were left puzzled and disgusted by the strange, foul-smelling vapors.
A new type of fragrance based on the smell of male pigs has a remarkable calming effect on dogs.
African elephants have more genes dedicated to smell than anything else in the animal kingdom.
Scientists have determined that the human nose is far more capable than previously believed.
The foul-smelling single-celled microbes are believed to have lived more than 3.5 billion years ago.
A man suffering from Parkinson’s has developed the peculiar ability to 'smell' upcoming storms.