In an unexpected move, state senate officials have passed a bill designed to ban the release of chemicals in the sky.
New research has called into question the notion that tossing a coin yields a 50/50 chance of heads or trails.
Social media was awash on Friday with reports of strange objects, vapor trails and colored lights over the country.
An Oakville resident claims to have witnessed a pure black cougar on the McCraney Creek trails last week.
Artist and photographer Wes Snyder captured a time-lapse recording of the trails while filming the night sky.
The pilot of the doomed airliner may have attempted to leave 'false trails' and hide the plane's true trajectory.
A conspiracy theorist who had been filming a plane's vapor trail also managed to pick up a strange object in the sky.
Are shadowy government agencies spraying us with chemicals from airplanes or is the whole idea nonsense ?
A newly discovered asteroid has been found to have been following us for 250,000 years.
Unlike traffic on our roads, large numbers of ants have the remarkable ability to maintain an average velocity regardles...