General Mysteries
Guardian angel ?
September 13, 2017 |
Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Brosen
This story was submitted to the site by Harold Battschitz from Middle of nowhere Iowa.
I've had a few strange experiences, but what happened to me one day while I was riding in a minivan with coworkers will stick in my brain for ever.
There were six of us in the van, and I was sitting in the back row. We were stopped at a highway crossing, just sitting there for a minute or two.
The driver and passenger were looking at a map trying to figure out how to get to our destination. GPS was still a few years away.
I had my head buried in a magazine while they argued about which direction to go. I could feel the van lurch as the driver eased off the brake and we started to roll.
At that moment I yelled out "STOP" and the driver slammed on the brakes.
A truck that was traveling fast just missed us by a foot. If I had not yelled out we would have been hit broadside and would have been seriously injured or killed. But what was so crazy is that I never saw the truck. I never made a decision to yell out. It was totally involuntary.
Somehow, somebody or some thing took control of me for one moment in time, and whatever it was save all of us from disaster. When I told the other passengers that I had never seen the truck, they didn't believe me.
It was too fantastical to believe. But it happened, I swear on my life it happened.
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