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Psychic Experiences

Strange feeling

January 18, 2018 | Comment icon 6 comments
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This story was submitted to the site by Purple_hair_chick from Different places .
Ever since I was young I've noticed that when I walk into certain rooms I get a strange feeling and get dizzy, like when you spin around too fast in a chair and stand up. It's not a horrible feeling just odd. If I turn my head when I'm in those rooms I get dizzier.

It's kind of hard to explain, kind of like being high on pain medication or maybe low blood sugar, but I'm not on medication or ever had a problem with my sugar levels. I've been to the doctors and it's not an inner ear thing or anything medical as far as anyone can figure.

I have always believed in spirits and wondered if maybe I was feeling someone or thing trying to reach out. I've been to psychics and some have said that I may have a slight psychic ability. I have no idea what to think about it, kind of think it's a little cool.

All jokes aside my husband and I recently visited New Orlands and I got this feeling several times during our time on Burnon St and just generally walking around the town. Our hotel was a refurbished bank and that room made me dizzy as hell each time I walked around it and in different rooms of our suit.
I didn't do any research on the hotel but nothing strange happened, except for the dizziness.

Sometimes I also feel a bit cold during certain events ie:furnals or visiting graveyards. During my mother's memorial it was as though I could almost feel her. There was no viewing, she donated herself to medical research.

I know that that's usually a normal sensation but this was more then that. It was as if she were beside me and playing with my hair the way she used to when I was little.

I was wondering if anyone else has ever had anything like this happen to them or if I'm just a weirdo.

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Comment icon #1 Posted by papageorge1 7 years ago
It could be that you are more sensitive to the psychic energies of places than most people.   
Comment icon #2 Posted by OverSword 7 years ago
I've got to wonder if she's been to Bourbon Street in New Orleans then why did she spell it: Just saying.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Mumbo Gumbo 7 years ago
Are You sure that You weren't influenced by the "liquid type" of spirits while down on Bourbon Street?
Comment icon #4 Posted by Buzzy Z 7 years ago
Can you pick up on the feelings of others,loud noises or the news on tv or the paper bother you,certain songs make you extremely happy & some make you cry? These are just a few things that an "Empath" type of person feels.Google it & there's many sites to look at.I'm an empathy myself.That's something you are or aren't.It's something you can't learn.It's worth checking out
Comment icon #5 Posted by Buzzy Z 7 years ago
Just incase you want to look at empaths traits go to the mind unleashed-great info  
Comment icon #6 Posted by Dyna 7 years ago
I have something similar only I get chills that start at the top and run down me in waves, I often do feel either a revulsion at the place or a feeling of comfort or peace so it includes a physical and a mental component. There are places where the chills happen and I start to cry for no reason and a few places that I simply cannot move forward and approach, I can't go inside a couple of houses and a business I ran across over the years.

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